Creating Photos to Sell

Grow as a photographer by taking photos that serve a specific purpose. 

In this workshop, you'll learn how to detach from your specific type of photography and learn how to capture photos for specific purposes.  

Most photographers who take photos for money must be responsive to their client's wishes. But why don't you call your own shots? By purposefully capturing photos for other people's needs, you can still be the one who decides "what" you'd like to capture.  

In this workshop, you'll learn which type of photo to capture for wall prints and stock photography. Two entirely different worlds competing against each other in the fun sector.

You'll learn:

Which type of photograph will most likely make money in the stock and print sector - so that you can select the best photos from your archive and/or take photos purposefully to make sales in the future.

Which characteristics will make or break a photo you're hoping to sell.

How to edit to attract. How to sharpen your photos and how to export them.

Bonus: Editing and Exporting for Print

Bonus: "Promoting Print Sales"

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Transform your images from "yawn" to "wow" in Lightroom

"Mini Magical Editing Workshop"

add to your purchase now for only $11 


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Creating Photos to Sell$9

  • Total payment
  • 1xCreating Photos to Sell$9

All prices in USD
